Sunday 31 January 2016

John 17:3 and that little squirmy thing, Augustine

(Wednesday, May 9, 2012, 4:04 AM)

Augustine of Hippo, portrait by Philippe de Champaigne (1645-1650)

This is what Augustine wrote, to his eternal shame ... 
“And this,” He [Jesus, according to John 17:3] adds, “is eternal life,  that they may know Thee, the only  true God, and Jesus Christ, whom Thou  hast sent.” The proper order [sic! LOL! the Augustinian chutzpah!]  of  the words is, “That they may know Thee and Jesus Christ, whom Thou  hast  sent, as the only true God.” -- Augustine of Hippo, Homilies on the Gospel of John etc., Ch. XVII, 1-5, Tractate CV, §3 (@

That little squirmy thing, Augustine, dares to change the order of the words of the Gospel of John, for the simple reason that, otherwise they wouldn't jibe with his "trinitarianism".

Let's make it fool proof for the sake of trinitarians.

This is what Jesus said, according to the Gospel of John:

“And this is eternal life,
[1]  that they may know Thee,
[2] the only  true God,
[3] and Jesus Christ,
[4] whom Thou hast sent.”
(John 17:3 KJV)

This is how that little squirmy thing, Augustine, abominably twists his words:

“[And this is eternal life,]
[1=>1] [t]hat they may know Thee
[3=>2] and Jesus Christ,
[4=>3] whom Thou  hast  sent,
[2=>4] as the only true God.”
(John 17:3, after Augustine's "treatment")

Triple yuck!

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